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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Install Subversion with Web Access on Ubuntu,SVN server

This article covers installing subversion with the apache module so that it can be easily accessed from other systems on a public network. If you want a more secure svn server, you could use svnserve+ssh, which isn't covered in this article.

To install subversion, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn

We're going to create the subversion repository in /svn, although you should choose a location that has a good amount of space.

sudo svnadmin create /svn

Next we'll need to edit the configuration file for the subversion webdav module. You can use a different editor if you'd like.

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf

The Location element in the configuration file dictates the root directory where subversion will be acessible from, for instance: http://www.server.com/svn

The DAV line needs to be uncommented to enable the dav module

# Uncomment this to enable the repository,
DAV svn

The SVNPath line should be set to the same place your created the repository with the svnadmin command.

# Set this to the path to your repository
SVNPath /svn

The next section will let you turn on authentication. This is just basic authentication, so don't consider it extremely secure. The password file will be located where the AuthUserFile setting sets it to… probably best to leave it at the default.

# Uncomment the following 3 lines to enable Basic Authentication
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

To create a user on the repository use, the following command:

sudo htpasswd2 -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

Note that you should only use the -c option the FIRST time that you create a user. After that you will only want to use the -m option, which specifies MD5 encryption of the password, but doesn't recreate the file.


sudo htpasswd2 -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd geek
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user geek

Restart apache by running the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now if you go in your browser to http://www.server.com/svn, you should see that the repository is enabled for anonymous read access, but commit access will require a username.

If you want to force all users to authenticate even for read access, add the following line right below the AuthUserFile line from above. Restart apache after changing this line.

Require valid-user

Now if you refresh your browser, you'll be prompted for your credentials:

You now have a working subversion server!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

SIP phone,Sip Client,Web based SIP Client

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get the ADSL Account Information.

So many ADSL modem common setup with default password.It listing below.
So,why don' t you cannot get the ADSL account information.
You can use some wide tool as Angry IP Scan to find the IP range of ADSL ISP supply.
When you login to ADSL modem.You can see Usename,Password of ADSL ISP supply.
But password is hidden.You can't see the password.How???
With Snadboy Revelation V2 you can get user and password of ADSL Account.You just download and install it and run.You can see true password.Believe me.Try it.

Here is default password list of the most popular modem and router:

362 Vendors, 1677 Passwords
Biodata 360 Systems 3COM
Accelerated Networks ACCTON Acer
Actiontec Adaptec ADC Kentrox
AdComplete.com Adtech Adtran
Advanced Integration AirLink Plus Aironet
Airway Aladdin Alcatel
Allied Telesyn Allnet Allot
Alteon Ambit AMI
AmpJuke Amptron Apache
Apache Project APC Apple Computer
Arrowpoint Aruba Asante
Ascend AST Asus
AT&T Attachmate Audioactive
Autodesk Avaya Avenger News System (ANS)
AWARD Axis Axis Communications
Bay Networks Bea BestPractical
Bewan Billion Bintec
Biostar BizDesign Borland
Breezecom Brocade Brother Industries Ltd.
BT Buffalo/MELCO Busybox
Cabletron Cayman CGI World
Chase Research Check Point Chuming Chen
Ciphertrust Cisco Cisco-Arrowpoint
Claris Cobalt Colubris Networks
Comcast SMC Comersus Compaq
Compualynx Conceptronic Concord
Conexant Crystalview CTX International
Cyberguard CyberMax Cyclades
D-Link Daewoo Dallas Semiconductors
Data General Datacom DataWizard Technologies Inc.
Daytek Debian Deerfield
Dell Develcon Dictaphone
Digicorp Digicraft Software Digital Equipment
Dlink Draytek Draytek Corp
DuPont DVB Dynalink
Dynix Library Systems Edimax Efficient
Elron Elsa Eminent
Enhydra Enox Entrust
Epox Ericsson eSeSIX Computer GmbH
Exinda Networks Extended Systems Extreme Networks
F5 Fastwire Flowpoint
Fortinet Foundry Networks Freetech
FrontRange Solutions Funk Software Galacticomm
Gandalf Gateway Geeklog
General Instruments glFtpD Globespan Virata
Gossamer Threads Inc. GrandStream Groupee, Inc.
GuardOne H2O Project Hayes
Hewlett-Packard Honeynet Project Horizon DataSys
Hosting Controller IBM Informix
Infrant Inova Integrated Networks
Intel IntelliTouch Interbase
Intermec Internet Archive Inventel Wanadoo
Ipswitch IRC IronPort
Iwill JD Edwards Jetform
JetWay Johnson Controls Joss Technology
Juniper Justin Hagstrom Kethinov
Konica Minolta Kyocera LaCie
Lantronics Lantronix Leading Edge
Lenel Level1 LGIC
Lindsay Electronics Linksys Linux
Livingston Lucent Luxon Communications
M Technology MachSpeed Macsense
Magic-Pro Mambo Mantis
Megastar Mentec Mercury Interactive
Michiel Microcom Micron
Micronet Micronics Microplex
Microsoft Mike Peters Mintel
mklencke Motive Motorola
MP3Mystic Muze MySQL
Nanoteq NCR NetBotz
Netcomm Netcordia Netgear
NetGenesis Netopia Netscape
Netscreen NetworkICE Nexsan
NeXT NICE Systems Ltd. Nimble
Nokia Nortel Novell
Open-Xchange Inc. OpenMarket Optivision
Oracle Osicom OvisLink Canada Inc.
Packard Bell Packeteer Pandatel
Patton PBX PHPReactor
phpTest Pikatel Pirelli
PlainTree PLANET Technology Corp. Pollsafe
Polycom PostgreSQL Powerchute
POWERLOGIC Prestige Prime
PrimeBase Proxim QDI
QualiTeam Quantex Quest Software
Radvision Raidzone Rainbow
Ramp Networks RapidStream Raritan
RayTalk Redcreek Communications RedHat
Remedy remote-exploit Research
Research Machines Resumix Ricoh
Rizen RM RNN
Rodopi rPath RSA
Saba Sambar Technologies Samuel Abels
SAP Schneider Electric Seagull Scientific
Securicor3NET Semaphore Shiva
Shuttle Siemens Corp Silicon Graphics
Site Interactive Sitecom SMC
Smith & Bentzen Snom Sonicwall
Sony Ericsson Sourcefire Sovereign Hill
Spider Systems Ssangyoung Sun
SuperMicro Surecom Sybase
Symantec SysKonnect Tandberg
Tasman Telappliant Telebit
Telelec Telus Terayon
TextPortal Tim Schaab Tiny
Tinys TMC TopLayer
Toshiba Trend Micro Trintech
TYPO3 U.S. Robotics Unex
UNIX Unknown UTStarcom
Verifone Veritas Verity
vertex Vextrec Technology VieNuke
Vina Technologies Virtual Programming Visa VAP
Vobis VoiceGenie Technologies Vonage
VPASP WatchGuard Web Wiz
Webmin Webramp Westell
Wim Bervoets Wireless, Inc. WWWBoard
X-Micro Xerox Xinit Systems Ltd.
Xylan Xyplex Yuxin
Zenith ZEOS Zeus
Zoom Zyxel

You can download Snadboy at:http://www.snadboy.com/RevelationV2.zip