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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Install Subversion with Web Access on Ubuntu,SVN server

This article covers installing subversion with the apache module so that it can be easily accessed from other systems on a public network. If you want a more secure svn server, you could use svnserve+ssh, which isn't covered in this article.

To install subversion, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install subversion libapache2-svn

We're going to create the subversion repository in /svn, although you should choose a location that has a good amount of space.

sudo svnadmin create /svn

Next we'll need to edit the configuration file for the subversion webdav module. You can use a different editor if you'd like.

sudo gedit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf

The Location element in the configuration file dictates the root directory where subversion will be acessible from, for instance: http://www.server.com/svn

The DAV line needs to be uncommented to enable the dav module

# Uncomment this to enable the repository,
DAV svn

The SVNPath line should be set to the same place your created the repository with the svnadmin command.

# Set this to the path to your repository
SVNPath /svn

The next section will let you turn on authentication. This is just basic authentication, so don't consider it extremely secure. The password file will be located where the AuthUserFile setting sets it to… probably best to leave it at the default.

# Uncomment the following 3 lines to enable Basic Authentication
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

To create a user on the repository use, the following command:

sudo htpasswd2 -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd

Note that you should only use the -c option the FIRST time that you create a user. After that you will only want to use the -m option, which specifies MD5 encryption of the password, but doesn't recreate the file.


sudo htpasswd2 -cm /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd geek
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user geek

Restart apache by running the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now if you go in your browser to http://www.server.com/svn, you should see that the repository is enabled for anonymous read access, but commit access will require a username.

If you want to force all users to authenticate even for read access, add the following line right below the AuthUserFile line from above. Restart apache after changing this line.

Require valid-user

Now if you refresh your browser, you'll be prompted for your credentials:

You now have a working subversion server!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

SIP phone,Sip Client,Web based SIP Client

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Get the ADSL Account Information.

So many ADSL modem common setup with default password.It listing below.
So,why don' t you cannot get the ADSL account information.
You can use some wide tool as Angry IP Scan to find the IP range of ADSL ISP supply.
When you login to ADSL modem.You can see Usename,Password of ADSL ISP supply.
But password is hidden.You can't see the password.How???
With Snadboy Revelation V2 you can get user and password of ADSL Account.You just download and install it and run.You can see true password.Believe me.Try it.

Here is default password list of the most popular modem and router:

362 Vendors, 1677 Passwords
Biodata 360 Systems 3COM
Accelerated Networks ACCTON Acer
Actiontec Adaptec ADC Kentrox
AdComplete.com Adtech Adtran
Advanced Integration AirLink Plus Aironet
Airway Aladdin Alcatel
Allied Telesyn Allnet Allot
Alteon Ambit AMI
AmpJuke Amptron Apache
Apache Project APC Apple Computer
Arrowpoint Aruba Asante
Ascend AST Asus
AT&T Attachmate Audioactive
Autodesk Avaya Avenger News System (ANS)
AWARD Axis Axis Communications
Bay Networks Bea BestPractical
Bewan Billion Bintec
Biostar BizDesign Borland
Breezecom Brocade Brother Industries Ltd.
BT Buffalo/MELCO Busybox
Cabletron Cayman CGI World
Chase Research Check Point Chuming Chen
Ciphertrust Cisco Cisco-Arrowpoint
Claris Cobalt Colubris Networks
Comcast SMC Comersus Compaq
Compualynx Conceptronic Concord
Conexant Crystalview CTX International
Cyberguard CyberMax Cyclades
D-Link Daewoo Dallas Semiconductors
Data General Datacom DataWizard Technologies Inc.
Daytek Debian Deerfield
Dell Develcon Dictaphone
Digicorp Digicraft Software Digital Equipment
Dlink Draytek Draytek Corp
DuPont DVB Dynalink
Dynix Library Systems Edimax Efficient
Elron Elsa Eminent
Enhydra Enox Entrust
Epox Ericsson eSeSIX Computer GmbH
Exinda Networks Extended Systems Extreme Networks
F5 Fastwire Flowpoint
Fortinet Foundry Networks Freetech
FrontRange Solutions Funk Software Galacticomm
Gandalf Gateway Geeklog
General Instruments glFtpD Globespan Virata
Gossamer Threads Inc. GrandStream Groupee, Inc.
GuardOne H2O Project Hayes
Hewlett-Packard Honeynet Project Horizon DataSys
Hosting Controller IBM Informix
Infrant Inova Integrated Networks
Intel IntelliTouch Interbase
Intermec Internet Archive Inventel Wanadoo
Ipswitch IRC IronPort
Iwill JD Edwards Jetform
JetWay Johnson Controls Joss Technology
Juniper Justin Hagstrom Kethinov
Konica Minolta Kyocera LaCie
Lantronics Lantronix Leading Edge
Lenel Level1 LGIC
Lindsay Electronics Linksys Linux
Livingston Lucent Luxon Communications
M Technology MachSpeed Macsense
Magic-Pro Mambo Mantis
Megastar Mentec Mercury Interactive
Michiel Microcom Micron
Micronet Micronics Microplex
Microsoft Mike Peters Mintel
mklencke Motive Motorola
MP3Mystic Muze MySQL
Nanoteq NCR NetBotz
Netcomm Netcordia Netgear
NetGenesis Netopia Netscape
Netscreen NetworkICE Nexsan
NeXT NICE Systems Ltd. Nimble
Nokia Nortel Novell
Open-Xchange Inc. OpenMarket Optivision
Oracle Osicom OvisLink Canada Inc.
Packard Bell Packeteer Pandatel
Patton PBX PHPReactor
phpTest Pikatel Pirelli
PlainTree PLANET Technology Corp. Pollsafe
Polycom PostgreSQL Powerchute
POWERLOGIC Prestige Prime
PrimeBase Proxim QDI
QualiTeam Quantex Quest Software
Radvision Raidzone Rainbow
Ramp Networks RapidStream Raritan
RayTalk Redcreek Communications RedHat
Remedy remote-exploit Research
Research Machines Resumix Ricoh
Rizen RM RNN
Rodopi rPath RSA
Saba Sambar Technologies Samuel Abels
SAP Schneider Electric Seagull Scientific
Securicor3NET Semaphore Shiva
Shuttle Siemens Corp Silicon Graphics
Site Interactive Sitecom SMC
Smith & Bentzen Snom Sonicwall
Sony Ericsson Sourcefire Sovereign Hill
Spider Systems Ssangyoung Sun
SuperMicro Surecom Sybase
Symantec SysKonnect Tandberg
Tasman Telappliant Telebit
Telelec Telus Terayon
TextPortal Tim Schaab Tiny
Tinys TMC TopLayer
Toshiba Trend Micro Trintech
TYPO3 U.S. Robotics Unex
UNIX Unknown UTStarcom
Verifone Veritas Verity
vertex Vextrec Technology VieNuke
Vina Technologies Virtual Programming Visa VAP
Vobis VoiceGenie Technologies Vonage
VPASP WatchGuard Web Wiz
Webmin Webramp Westell
Wim Bervoets Wireless, Inc. WWWBoard
X-Micro Xerox Xinit Systems Ltd.
Xylan Xyplex Yuxin
Zenith ZEOS Zeus
Zoom Zyxel

You can download Snadboy at:http://www.snadboy.com/RevelationV2.zip

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Hacking Asterisk and Rails with RAGI

Hacking Asterisk and Rails with RAGI

by Joe Heitzeberg

Chances are that by now you are using Skype, Yahoo Instant Messenger with Voice, Google Talk, or one of the other PC VoIP phones that let you talk for free over the internet. You might also be a customer of Vonage, AT&T CallVantage, BroadVoice, or one of the other VoIP-based land-line replacements that give you flat-rate, unlimited calling and tons of great features like voicemail-to-email or click-to-call.

Thanks to VoIP, now anyone can talk for free; I get that. But what's next? Free calls and voicemail-to-email are just the beginning, right? You bet! Open protocols, low telephony cost, and a rapidly growing installed base of VoIP-capable PCs, phones, and networks mean a wave of innovation and opportunity, and we're just at the beginning.

In this world, hackers and entrepreneurs everywhere ought to be able to pioneer vastly new and powerful services, such as:

  • Mashing up RSS and voice to create a better kind of 411.
  • eBay virtual call centers: High-volume seller and not around to answer your inquiries? Click to provision some virtual call center agents across the globe.
  • Temporary phone numbers: Rent a temporary phone number for a week to use on Craigslist. Forward all calls to your real phone and log all messages on the Web.
  • Click and talk with other people who are viewing a given web page.
  • Learn Chinese: Fill out your profile, and we'll connect you with a qualified language instructor.

Joe Heitzeberg
Ruby on Rails with Asterisk

O'Reilly Emerging Telephony Conference
January 24-26 2006
San Francisco Airport Marriott

You might have read about Google's latest foray into "Click to Dial" advertising. There is no reason you can't build a similar service.

In this article, I'll provide a quick overview of how Asterisk, the open source PBX, can be used as a general-purpose "telephony protocol server," and can be connected to Ruby on Rails to create a rapid prototyping environment for creating next-generation VoIP applications and services.

Asterisk in 30 Seconds

Asterisk is an open source PBX. It is designed to handle all of the basic office phone services an ordinary PBX might handle and more, including call routing, conferencing, call forwarding, and three-way calling. It also speaks more than half a dozen VoIP protocols and codecs, and runs on Linux. You might use Asterisk to:

  • Start a consulting business installing 25-person office phone systems.
  • Build the best home phone system ever. Calling China? Have the phone warn you, "It is 2 A.M. in China, are you sure you want to continue this call?" Away for the day? Have all your calls forwarded to your cell phone (unless they're from your employer; then play a Ferris Bueller movie audio clip).
  • Build a banking IVR product to sell.
  • Help your local politician get elected by auto-dialing a list of phone numbers and playing a message.

Ruby on Rails in a Jiffy

If you are building web apps, then you might consider running (don't walk) to get yourself outfitted with Ruby On Rails, a great new web-application development framework by David Heinemeier Hansson and many open source contributors. Rails is framework for creating database-driven web sites that manages to cut out a lot of the grunt work typically associated with Java- or Perl-based frameworks. Rails uses the Ruby language, which will feel familiar to any Java or C# programmer, and includes tons of libraries to help with common web development tasks and with newer things like Ajax.

Bird's-Eye View

Hopefully you are starting to get the picture: hosted VoIP-enabled apps that connect to VoIP phones like Skype and real phones, and operate on the same kind of open source development stack that powers the Web. Say goodbye to proprietary and closed telephony hardware and hosted voiceXML platforms that tie you to someone else's voice platform. Plug a Linux box into the internet, grab a domain name, and get in business.

figure 1

Diagram Notes:

  • You: Your Linux server is hosted on the internet, but instead of just serving web browsers, you also connect to phones and VoIP phones to serve mobile users, phone users, and VoIP users with voice interfaces.
  • VoIP/PSTN service: Providers such as Level3 and GlobalCrossing and a multitude of smaller providers such as VoipJet, VoicePulse, and LES.net provide the capability to place and receive calls to regular phones via the internet (it's like SkypeOut, but from your server). Any mobile or land-line phone can be reached at very low cost.
  • VoIP clients: Currently, Gizmo is the most open VoIP client out there, and the others (i.e. Skype and GoogleTalk) won't accept directly connected SIP traffic. However, as a workaround, you can connect to users of SkypeIn (the dotted line), or use Jabber for a limited interaction with GoogleTalk.


Rails + Asterisk = Peanut Butter + Chocolate

What could be a better way to create these new apps and services than to combine Asterisk's VoIP handling capabilities with the power and efficiency of Ruby on Rails?

For that purpose, we have RAGI: Ruby Asterisk Gateway Interface. RAGI is a simple API and set of helper classes that facilitate programmable phone logic, or IVR, from a Ruby environment by implementing the Asterisk AGI protocol. In Rails apps, RAGI makes handling phone call interaction something similar to rendering a web page. From a systems point of view, it allows you to attach your Asterisk server to your Rails server something like this:

figure 2

Diagram Notes:

  • Phone calls come in to your Asterisk server, and control over how to handle the call (ask the user a question, play a sound) is handed to your web application server.
  • Ruby on Rails is configured to load up RAGI when it starts, so that your calls have access to your entire set of classes defined in your web application (whatever you've built for user registration, data feeds, tagging objects, etc., will be available inside of the phone call session).
  • A CallHandler subclass is created for every type of call session you might need (user checking account balance, checking voice mail, etc.).
  • You can write services that handle incoming calls or place outgoing calls. Your only limit to capacity is bandwidth and CPU.

Programming with RAGI

With RAGI, you spend most of your time focusing on application logic and you get full access to the objects and services you've already defined for the rest of your web application. Spend less time hacking low-level Asterisk and VoIP configurations, and more time on user experience!

Let's take a look at the body of a call handler to get a sense of what this looks like:

module MyCallHandler
  class CallHandler <>
# when someone calls the number, 
# the call routes to this "dialup" method
def dialup
    # Who is calling?  Read the caller id
    user_phone_number = @params[RAGI::CALLERID]
    # Look up the user in the db using Rails.
    # Since the db has a "phone_number" field, Rails
    # automatically provides a "find_by_phone_number" method
    # on the User class -- gotta love Rails!
    user = User.find_by_phone_number(user_phone_number)
    # Service logic here...
    #    if (user.account_balance <= 0) --> hangUp
    #    else --> speak "hello" + user.first_name
    #    Play their voice mail
    #    Ask for key presses
    #    Connect this call to conference call
    #    Etc.

RAGI exposes most of the major functions and capabilities of Asterisk itself. And if what's already there is not enough, you can add and contribute back, since RAGI is open source. The major API functions are:

  • Play sounds.
  • Record sounds.
  • Place a call (can be processed through RAGI when answered).
  • Forward a caller to another number by placing a call.
  • Listen for key presses (DTMF signals).
  • Send key presses (DTMF signals).
  • Text to speech.


VoIP connectivity has quickly become ubiquitous. Its openness and low cost means that it can be combined with traditional web infrastructure to create powerful new communications applications and services. In this article, I've sketched out what those new services may look like, and illustrated an approach to developing such applications using open source software such as Asterisk and Ruby on Rails.

Would you like to learn more?

I'll be doing a workshop on RAGI at the O'Reilly Emerging Telephony conference, January 24 to 26 in San Francisco. Also, in the new year, look for a complete tutorial on O'Reilly about using RAGI. In the meantime, please feel free to get started on your own by visiting the RAGI developer pages.

TOEIC test handbook

About the TOEIC test
The TOEIC® (Test of English for International Communication) test is an English language proficiency test
for people whose native language is not English. It measures the everyday English skills of people
working in an international environment. The scores indicate how well people can communicate in
English with others in business, commerce, and industry. The test does not require specialized
knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in everyday work activities.
The TOEIC test is a two-hour multiple-choice test that consists of 200 questions divided into two sections:
 Listening Comprehension Section: There are 100 listening comprehension questions
administered by audiocassette. There are four types of questions. You will listen to a variety of
statements, questions, short conversations, and short talks recorded in English, then you will
answer the questions. Total time: approximately 45 minutes.
 Reading Section: There are 100 reading questions, consisting of three types of questions. You will
read a variety of materials and respond at your own pace to questions based on the content of the
materials. Total time: 75 minutes.
You will respond to test questions by marking one of the letters (A), (B), (C), or (D) with a pencil on a
separate answer sheet. Although the actual testing time is approximately two hours, additional time is
needed to allow you to complete the background questions on the answer sheet. Therefore, you should
allow approximately 2.5 hours to take the test.

 personnel who use English in real-life work settings, such as businesses, hotels, hospitals,
restaurants, international meetings, conventions, and sports events
 managerial, sales, and technical employees in international business, commerce, and industry who
require English for their work
 candidates for training to be conducted in English
 individuals in English-language training programs
Commonly Asked Questions
The TOEIC test is the choice of more than 2 million examinees a year and is recognized by thousands of
corporations. As a fair and objective measure of English proficiency, the TOEIC test will enable you to:
 verify your current level of English proficiency
 qualify for a new position and/or promotion in your company
 enhance your professional credentials
 monitor your progress in English
 set your own learning goals
 involve your employer in advancing your English ability
TOEIC testing can be arranged through corporations or other organizations that ask employees or job
applicants to take the TOEIC test. Many language-training programs and schools offer TOEIC testing as
well. If testing has not been arranged through your organization, you can contact your local TOEIC
representative to find out when and where you can take the test. The TOEIC test is available throughout
the world.
TOEIC prices vary worldwide according to local markets. To inquire about pricing in your area, contact
your local representative.
The TOEIC test is not the kind of test that one “passes” or “fails.” Not every job or task requires the same
level of English proficiency. Because it was developed specifically to meet the needs of working people,
the TOEIC test measures many levels of ability. It enables people to demonstrate what they currently can
accomplish in English. The single, continuous scale also makes it possible for learners to set attainable
goals and to measure their progress as their English improves.
Many companies use the TOEIC test to set their own score standards based on the levels of English
necessary to carry out particular responsibilities. Your company may require that employees have a
minimum TOEIC score because the corresponding level of English is needed on the job. Many companies
offer English training to help their employees reach target TOEIC scores reflecting specific levels of
proficiency based on professional need.
The TOEIC test measures listening and reading directly. These skills can be tested objectively, costeffectively,
and efficiently. Testing speaking and writing directly requires considerable time and expense,
both for administering the test and for scoring. The decision to test only listening and reading directly on
the TOEIC test was a response to the needs of clients and test takers for a rapid, affordable, and
convenient service, as well as for high reliability.
The TOEIC test provides an indirect measure of speaking and writing. Studies with large samples of
nonnative speakers of English from around the world have confirmed a strong link between TOEIC results
and an oral interview. Smaller studies have shown a similar link with writing skills.
These are some examples of the settings and situations you may find in TOEIC test questions:
 Corporate Development: research, product development
 Dining Out: business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations
 Entertainment: cinema, theater, music, art, exhibitions, museums, media
 Finance and Budgeting: banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing
 General Business: contracts, negotiations, mergers, marketing, sales, warranties,
business planning, conferences, labor relations
 Health: medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
 Housing/Corporate Property: construction, specifications, buying and renting, electric and
gas services
 Manufacturing: assembly lines, plant management, quality control
 Offices: board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages,
office equipment and furniture, office procedures
 Personnel: recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications, job advertisements,
pensions, awards
 Purchasing: shopping, ordering suppies, shipping, invoices
 Technical Areas: electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment,
technical specifications
 Travel: trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport
announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancelations

Thursday, March 06, 2008

One minute Manager (Vị giám đốc một phút) Mở đầu

"Vị Giám đốc Một phút" của tác giả Spencer JohnsonKen Blanchard đã thật sự trở thành hiện tượng toàn cầu trong những năm gần đây.

Công việc là một phần quan trọng không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống của mọi người. Ai cũng mong muốn có được một công việc tốt, vừa thể hiện năng lực lao động của bản thân, vừa có thu nhập cao.

Tuy nhiên, trên thực tế không dễ dàng tìm được một môi trường làm việc mà ở đó nhân viên phát huy được khả năng tối đa, ở đó người lãnh đạo thật sáng suốt và điều hành công việc rất khoa học, tình cảm giữa các đồng nghiệp thật gắn bó, đoàn kết với tinh thần trách nhiệm cao…

Vị Giám đốc Một phút là câu chuyện thú vị kể về quá trình tìm kiếm và tích lũy về những kinh nghiệm quản lý của một chàng trai trẻ vừa tốt nghiệp đại học với tấm lòng tràn đầy nhiệt huyết, muốn đem những kiến thức học được ra cống hiến cho xã hội.

Anh không chỉ mong được làm việc trong một môi trường làm việc tuyệt vời để có thể phát huy hết năng lực bản thân mà còn mơ ước trở thành một người quản lý xuất sắc nên đã hạ quyết tâm đi tìm một vị giám đốc lý tưởng.

Hành trình tìm kiếm ròng rã trong nhiều năm. Chàng trai đã đến nhiều nơi, từ những thành thị nhỏ bé đến những thủ đô tráng lệ của các cường quốc năm châu… Anh đã gặp gỡ nhiều cấp quản lý, từ những quan chức trong chính phủ đến các giám đốc doanh nghiệp, từ các giáo sư đại học đến những người quản lý cửa hàng, từ giám đốc ngân hàng đến những người chủ nhà hàng, khách sạn, cả nam và nữ giới, từ người trẻ tuổi đến trung niên…

Trong suốt hành trình trên, anh đã chứng kiến nhiều cách quản lý khác nhau nhưng vẫn chưa tìm ra người và nơi mình mong được gặp. Mãi cho đến khi anh gặp được một vị giám đốc rất đặc biệt - Vị Giám đốc Một phút - người thành công thật sự trong cương vị của mình với phương pháp làm việc chỉ gói gọn trong vòng một phút nhưng rất hoàn hảo, vừa tạo hiệu quả công việc cao nhất, vừa xây dựng được một môi trường làm việc thân thiện giữa các nhân viên với nhau, một người quản lý tuyệt vời luôn đảm bảo được lợi ích của công ty cũng như quyền lợi của nhân viên.

Vị Giám đốc Một phút cho rằng muốn điều hành và quản lý công việc được tốt, người lãnh đạo phải giúp nhân viên lập ra mục tiêu một phút, đồng thời phải luôn dành ra một phút khen ngợi những thành quả tốt của nhân viên để khích lệ tinh thần làm việc của mọi người và một phút khiển trách đối với các việc làm sai trái của nhân viên để giúp họ hiểu rõ trách nhiệm của mình và hoàn thiện bản thân.

Nhờ áp dụng những bí quyết hữu ích từ Giám đốc Một phút, chàng thanh niên trẻ đã tìm ra phương cách quản lý cho riêng mình và anh cũng sớm trở thành vị Giám đốc Một phút.

Câu chuyện thú vị trong cuốn sách sẽ chia sẻ với các bạn rất nhiều điều. Đó là những kiến thức đã được đúc kết từ những những nghiên cứu trong các lĩnh vực tâm lý học, y học và khoa học hành vi về cách con người hợp tác tốt nhất với người khác để giúp bạn hoàn thành được xuất sắc trong vai trò quản lý của mình.

Khi chỉ nhìn vào tựa đề, hẳn không ít người sẽ nghĩ cuốn sách này chỉ dành cho những người làm công việc quản lý, nhưng thật ra, ý nghĩa và giá trị thực chất của nó có thể ứng dụng trong nhiều mặt của cuộc sống.

Trong công việc sau khi áp dụng ba bí quyết một phút, bạn sẽ cảm thấy thích thú với công việc hơn và ít căng thẳng hơn, sự nghiệp sẽ được thăng tiến hơn.

Ở môi trường gia đình, bạn có thể vận dụng ba “bí quyết một phút” để thu được những kết quả rất khả quan như: giúp các con của bạn biết tự quản cuộc sống tốt hơn, giúp vợ hoặc chồng của bạn có cách cư xử tốt hơn...

Những ý tưởng hữu ích trong Vị Giám đốc Một phút đã nhanh chóng lan rộng và được hàng triệu giám đốc, những nhà quản lý trong danh sách 500 tập đoàn, công ty hàng đầu thế giới của tạp chí Fortune cũng như các doanh nghiệp khắp thế giới đã và đang ứng dụng những kinh nghiệm quản lý quý báu trong cuốn sách này.

Cuốn sách bé nhỏ này đã làm được những điều lớn lao thật đáng ngạc nhiên – đã làm tăng năng suất, hiệu quả trong công việc và những thành tích, tiến bộ đối với từng cá nhân cũng như đối với các công ty, tập đoàn lớn trên thế giới như: Toyota, Toshiba, Doughnut, Wells Fargo, Sony Corp, Victoria’s Secret, Yellow Pages, Abbot Labs, Foodmaker, Hilton Hotels, Bayer Corporation…

Charles Lee, chủ tịch công ty Verizon đã viết: “Sau ngần ấy năm, tôi vẫn cầm đến cuốn sách Vị Giám đốc Một phút trong những phút giây rãnh rỗi hiếm hoi nhằm ôn lại những kỹ thuật quản lý của mình. Cho đến lúc này, tôi chưa tìm thấy một cuốn sách nào có những lời hướng dẫn quản lý con người tốt hơn và dễ vận dụng hơn cuốn sách này.”

Vị Giám đốc Một phút là một câu chuyện thú vị, dễ đọc và ngắn gọn, thể hiện ba bí quyết rất thiết thực: mục tiêu một phút, một phút khen ngợimột phút khiển trách đã liên tục xuất hiện trong danh sách những cuốn sách bán chạy nhất trong hơn hai thập kỷ qua và trở thành một hiện hiện tượng toàn cầu. Bất cứ ai làm công tác quản lý cũng đều biết đến cuốn sách Vị Giám đốc một phút cũng như giá trị to lớn của nó.

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Microsoft Project Tutorial

MS Project Tutorial

MS Project 2003 is a family of products designed to address the work and people management needs of any organization. Project 2003 suit of products include MS-Office Project Standard, MS-Office Project Professional, MS-Office Project Server, and MS-Office Project Web Access.

Project Professional is the desktop project management program that can be used with Project Server and Project Web Access to form the Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Solution.

Project Server is the flexible platform that supports the portfolio management, resource management, and collaboration capabilities in the EPM Solution. Project Server enables organizations to store project and resource information centrally and consistently.

Project Web Access is the Web portal that enables you to connect to the project and resource information that is stored in Project Server and collaborate on projects. Team members who need access to Project Server information but do not require the scheduling capabilities of Project Professional—can use Project Web Access through a Web browser to view and analyze information.

In this lab we would be learning to use only the “Project Professional”. “Project Server” and “Project web access” are not installed in the CIS servers.

Things that you should do/think about before

Before embarking on the project you need to put down a few key points very clearly -

  1. Conceptualize and identify the purpose of the project
  2. Define its objectives
  3. Finalize its scope
  4. Identify its activities
  5. Assign resources to activities
  6. Create an estimate of time and costs
  7. Make honest assumptions about various relevant factors that can affect the duration of a project and its costs
  8. Discuss alternative scenarios and build contingency plans

MS Project cannot help you with (1), (2), (7) and (8) but it can carry the remaining on its shoulders and sail you smoothly to your goals.

Terms that you need to know

Tasks: They are a division of all the work that needs to be completed in order to accomplish the project goals.

There are 4 major types of tasks:

1.Summary tasks- They contain subtasks and their related properties.

2.Subtasks- they are smaller tasks that are part of a summary task.

3.Recurring tasks-are tasks that occur at regular intervals.

4.Milestones-are like interim goals in the project. They are tasks that are set to zero duration.

Scope: of any project is a combination of all individual tasks and their goals.

Resources: can be people, equipment, materials or services that are needed to complete various tasks. The amount of resources affects the scope and time of any project.

Today’s lab

Things to do:

  1. Create Project
  2. Add Tasks and subtasks to a project
  3. Assign task duration
  4. Show progress of task (how much has been accomplished?)

Go to Start-> All Programs ->Microsoft Office Project 2003

I)Create a Project

You should be able to see a ‘tasks’ list on the left as shown here. Click on “Define the project” link.

1.Give the start date of your project.

2.Click on “Save and go to Step2”

3.For Collaborate on your project, select “No” and go to Step 3.

4.Save and finish.

If you want to specify which days and hours you want the team to work, or which days are off/holidays then click on “Define general working time” and follow the 5 steps. In our case we might not want to do that.

Click on “List the tasks in the project”.

II) Add Tasks/Sub-Tasks to your project

- Click on the ‘Task Name’ Column and type out the task that you want to perform as part of the project.

- In the “Duration” column you should be able to specify the time taken in minutes. So, enter the number of minutes followed by “m”. You can enter task duration as and when you decide upon the suitable estimate. If you are not sure about how much time you need for a task, you can put a “?” for duration.

- Tasks that are milestones are marked “0” duration.

Adding Sub-Task

To add a sub-task, insert a row below the task for which you are adding a sub-task. For e.g. - if “Meeting” is a task, its sub task could be “Setting the agenda” for the meeting. Then insert a row below “Meeting”.

Add all the sub-tasks for the concerned task. Then select all the sub-task (you can select multiple sub tasks by holding down the ‘ctrl’ key).

Click on the right arrow icon as shown above. This would indent the sub-tasks under the Task.

II)Adding Resources

Double click on any tasks/sub-tasks and the ‘task information’ window pops up. Check on the ‘Resources’ tab and give the resource names (the name of the person who is assigned the task) and Click OK.

III)Linking tasks:

Sometimes, even after designing a schedule many unforeseen changes can affect the completion of tasks midway. This could lead to disruption to completion of other related tasks. To solve this problem, MS Project allows you to link tasks in various ways. By linking tasks Project adjusts the schedule whenever there are changes that affect duration of other tasks.

A task that needs to be completed before are called predecessor task and the linked tasks is its successors.

Tasks can be linked in four ways: -

    1. Finish-to-Start: Predecessor finishes and the other starts
    2. Start-to-Finish: Task begins at the same time as its predecessor finishes.
    3. Finish-to-Finish: Both tasks finish at the same time.

4.Start-to-Start: Start of the predecessor determines when the other starts. This is the default setting for any pair of tasks.

-Double click on any task to bring up the “task information” window. Select the “Predecessors” tab and select the predecessor for the task from the drop down list.

-Click on “Schedule Tasks” on the “Tasks” list in the left.

-Select the predecessor and the current task (multiple tasks are selected using ‘ctrl’) and click on the appropriate type of link that you want to provide, on the left.

IV)How much has been accomplished?

Double click on any task and bring up the “task information” window. In the “general” tab, you can specify the amount of work that has been completed. Also check out how the Gantt chart reflects the amount of work that has been completed.

Some Extra Notes

  1. You can add notes to each of your task. When you bring up the “task information” window for each task, you can click on the “notes” tab and add appropriate notes for the task. If you feel like giving a hyper link for each task, that would take you to the web-page that lists out more information, you can do that by-right click the mouse on each selected task and select “Hyperlink”. Add the hyperlink (URL), which you want to provide.
  2. You can set deadlines and constraints in the “task information” window. Select the “advanced” tab and select the constraints that you want to specify.
  3. If you want to view the Gantt chart more clearly, you can zoom on it. Right click on the calendar over the Gantt chart and click on zoom. You can specify the units in which the Gantt chart would display.