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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Installing Asterisk

Compiling Asterisk on most Linux distributions

Accomplish this by opening the folder in which the source codes were extracted (if you are using tarball files), or go to the /usr/src/asterisk folder (if using CVS server) to get the required packages.

To go to this directory, see example:

#cd /usr/src/asterisk

Once here, the final step is to compile:

Important: Follow this installation order: libpri, zaptel, asterisk

-Installing libpri

#cd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri
#make clean
#make install

-Installing zaptel

#cd /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel
#make clean

Note: If you are using kernel 2.6 enter the following command '#make linux26', before doing '#make install'.

#make install

-Installing asterisk

#cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk
#make clean

Note: If you want to use a mp3 files for music-on-hold enter the following command '#make mpg123', before doing '#make install'.

#make install

If this is your first installation perform 'make samples' to install sample


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