Compiling Asterisk on most Linux distributions
Accomplish this by opening the folder in which the source codes were extracted (if you are using tarball files), or go to the /usr/src/asterisk folder (if using CVS server) to get the required packages.
To go to this directory, see example:
#cd /usr/src/asterisk
Once here, the final step is to compile:
Important: Follow this installation order: libpri, zaptel, asterisk
-Installing libpri
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri
#make clean
#make install
-Installing zaptel
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel
#make clean
Note: If you are using kernel 2.6 enter the following command '#make linux26', before doing '#make install'.
#make install
-Installing asterisk
#cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk
#make clean
Note: If you want to use a mp3 files for music-on-hold enter the following command '#make mpg123', before doing '#make install'.
#make install
If this is your first installation perform 'make samples' to install sample
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